Page 9 - Who is Wearing What EN
P. 9

I am from Central Asia and                                             My long and loose jellabiya is practical, keeping me cool and letting me

                                                                          I am almost 5,000 years old!                                             move around while I work. In what other ways can clothes be useful?

                                                                              My heavy robe is called
                                                                             a kaunakes: what do you
                                                                             think it was made from?

         Clothes and Costumes
         Clothes and Costumes

        Different fashions from across the world can reveal many interesting

         clues about everything from a person’s culture to the local climate!

                                                 The colour blue was
                                                expensive to produce
                                                in fabrics during the

                                               18  century. What do
                                               you think my blue coat
                                                  and breeches say                                                                                                            I am a Portuguese sailor
                                                      about me?                                                                                                                 who travelled to the

                                                                                                                                                                                East. My long baggy

                                                                                                                                                                                 trousers are called
                                                                                                                                                                               bombacha pantaloons.

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