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Drawing at the Museum

With Saggaf Alhashmi

Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi

Unleash your creativity and engage with our Artwork collection through Drawing at the Museum with Saggaf Alhashmi! Join our immersive sessions led by the Masterclass Artist to learn various techniques, from capturing the human figure to landscapes and elevate your skills with expert guidance.
These sessions are open to all and will start with a 30-minute introduction and techniques demonstration, followed by hands-on drawing.

17 avril - 05 juin 2024

Every Wednesday, 4.30 – 6.30 PM, Location: Permanent Galleries

81.5 AED

Prix du billet: 81.50 AED
81,50 AED (billet d’entrée et TVA inclus)
40 AED pour les membres (TVA incluse)
Pour les réservations, vous pouvez également contacter notre centre d’appel au +971 600 56 55 66 ou vous renseigner sur le programme auprès de l’accueil.