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Art from Home: Stories of Cultural Connections

Louvre Abu Dhabi brings the museum to you by telling stories about the art works on loans from our partners and from our collection through video, audio and activities that can be downloaded for children.

The Bohemian

Édouard Manet
France, Paris
1861–1862 (cut out in 1867)
Oil on canvas
Louvre Abu Dhabi

These three works bear witness to a pictorial revolution started by the French painter Édouard Manet in the 1860s. Originally, Manet painted a large painting called The Gypsies, but he later cut it into three separate works. Whereas the original painting was inspired by the narrative tradition, the two new works seen here – a still life and a portrait – bring the viewer into a direct relationship with the subject represented. This radical departure marked a decisive moment in the history of art, which at this very point tipped into modernity.

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Hear about the story of Manet


Designed for children and families, download these interactive activities to enjoy from the comfort of your home

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