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Make and Play

Explore Louvre Abu Dhabi art works at home!

Make and Play are short, fun videos for all the family to make art inspired by the collection using simple materials.

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Make a Necklace | Art Activity

Create a necklace inspired by Egyptian patterns

Make a Necklace

Make a Necklace Instructions

Title: Make a Necklace

Overview: Create a necklace inspired by Egyptian patterns

Themes: Wearable crafts

Artworks: Sarcophagus of Princess Henuttawy: Coffins and mummy wrappings, Egypt, 950 — 900 BCE, Louvre Abu Dhabi 

Age Range: 8-12 years old

Activity Timing: 45 minutes 

Materials: Foam plate, black marker, scissors, paintbrush, green, red and gold paint, pencil and jar lid (optional)

Thinking Questions:
  • What patterns do you notice?
  • What do you think the symbols mean?
  • Can you spot the flowers? What do you think they represent?



1. Place the jar lid in the center of the foam plate then slide it towards the top edge

2. Trace around the lid

3. Use a marker to decorate the plate with patterns

4. Use different paints to colour in your patterns

You have created your own necklace inspired by Princess Henuttawy!


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