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Coin of Severus Alexander, Roman Emperor

ca. 231 CE-235 CE

Roman coinage dates from the end of the 3rd century BCE, when Rome, under threat from Carthage and thus also from economic repercussions, began to mint gold coins. During the Empire, i.e. from 27 BCE, when Augustus became emperor, to the fall of Rome in 476 CE, its coins circulated through all of the territories under Roman rule. In addition to their economic role, they also provided particular support for the authority of the Roman emperors. Two busts appear on this medallion. The one on the left, in the place of honour, is of Severus Alexander, who became emperor at the age of thirteen. The juxtaposed image of his mother Julia Mamaea and the legend MATER AUG reflect the reality in terms of power, as Severus never broke free of her influence during the thirteen years of his reign.

Artwork Details

Title: Coin of Severus Alexander, Roman Emperor
Geography: Rome, Italy
Date: ca. 231 CE-235 CE

Medium: silver, traces of gilding

Classification: numismatic, medal
Dimensions: 3.7 x 3.5 x 0.6 cm
Inventory number: LAD 2015.006
Contact for images: [email protected]


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