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Made in the UAE: Emirati Films

Happy Birthday Younis
Time: 7pm | Duration: 17m
Director: Mohammed AlOtaiba
Year: 2013
Age rating: PG
Language: Arabic with English subtitles
Location: Auditorium Plaza

Younis, a 69-year-old taxi driver, has trouble letting go of the past. On his birthday, destiny lends a hand to teach him to appreciate what he has.

City of Life
Time: 7:30| Duration: 1h 59m
Director: Ali F. Mostafa
Year: 2010
Age rating: 15+ | Genre: Fiction
Language: Arabic with English subtitles
Location: Auditorium Plaza

The lives of three individuals living in Dubai change drastically when their paths cross one another. They soon grow close and learn how tragedy is not always a bad thing. A young privileged Arab man at odds with his cultural identity and his less fortunate street smart friend; a disillusioned Indian taxi driver who bears an uncanny resemblance to a famous Bollywood star; and a former Romanian ballet dancer now working as a flight attendant and searching for love and companionship ... these individuals all live in Dubai and their lives are about to collide for better or for worse in a city where ambition, growth and opportunity are encouraged and dreams can still manifest. "City of Life" is an urban drama that tracks the various intersections of a multi-ethnic cast, examining how random interactions and their consequences can irrevocably impact another's life.

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Night Shift
Time: 7pm | Duration: 12m
Director: Ali F. Mostafa
Year: 2022
Age rating: 15+ | Genre: Horror
Language: Arabic with English subtitles
Location: Auditorium

Two ambulance workers perform their duties on a night shift when one of them turns out to be a vampire with sinister plans for the night.

Time: 7:20pm | Duration: 15m
Director: Hana Kazim
Year: 2019
Age rating: 12+ | Genre: Horror
Language: Arabic with English subtitles
Location: Auditorium

A fake exorcist visits the home of a man who thinks his wife is possessed by a Djinn, only to find out that things are not as they seem.

A work of Heart
Time: 7:40pm | Duration: 14m
Director: Sager Al Nuaimi
Year: 2024
Language: English
Location: Auditorium Plaza

In Renaissance Italy, a gifted painter becomes entranced by a merchant's wife when commissioned to paint her necklace. Their connection fuels a creative fire, resulting in a masterpiece that transcended art as we know it.

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