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Corporate Membership

Louvre Abu Dhabi aspires to develop relations with the majority of the corporate community to ensure a steady alternative financial support for the museum, in order to cover for its basic operating expenses. This is feasible through the Corporate Membership Program. Corporate Members of Louvre Abu Dhabi receive benefits corresponding to their membership level. The benefits packages can be tailored to meet specific corporate objectives – entertaining guests or providing benefits to employees. Louvre Abu Dhabi’s Corporate Members also get access to the magnificent spaces of the museum to organize their own events under the iconic Dome of Louvre Abu Dhabi, in one of the region’s most exclusive locations.

The Corporate Membership Program aims to:
• Create a platform of constant engagement with the corporate community
• Allow access to the spaces of Louvre Abu Dhabi for corporate events
• Enhance the reach of the museum’s programs and activities
• Provide exclusive benefits to the employees of the museum’s members
• Support the corporate communications strategy and the CSR objectives of our partners

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