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Project Sponsorship

Sponsorship of a specific project at Louvre Abu Dhabi is a way to meet specific corporate communication and marketing objectives.
Any interested entity has a choice between short-term projects, like temporary exhibitions and cultural activities, mid-term projects, like the Children’s Museum or long-term projects, like the support of art installations at the museum’s Park, to choose from.
Those activities offer exposure to thousands of visitors from all over the world and are a perfect way to enhance a communication and marketing campaign and activate your own presence within the museum.
We are more than happy to tailor the benefits packages to meet your specific needs.

Project Sponsorships aim to:
• Create a direct association with a specific program or activity of the museum
• Create a sense of ownership of the sponsored program or activity
• Contribute to the mission and vision of Louvre Abu Dhabi by directly supporting one activity
• Offer additional branding opportunities and high visibility of the corporate partner to visitors of Louvre Abu Dhabi

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