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Art from Home: Stories of Cultural Connections

Louvre Abu Dhabi brings the museum to you by telling stories about the art works on loans from our partners and from our collection through video, audio and activities that can be downloaded for children.

Vessel for chocolate depicting a court scene

Maya culture
Guatemala, 600–900
Painted ceramic
Musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac
70.2008.60.3|24 x 18 cm

This polychrome vase, found in Central America (present-day Mexico or Guatemala), shows a court scene. Seated on his throne, a king receives gifts brought as tributes by representatives of a captured city. It is clear from the carefully detailed decoration that court life in the Maya civilisation between the 3rd and 10th centuries was highly sophisticated.The period was marked by rivalry between city-states that tried to extend their territory through war and political or matrimonial alliances.

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