Are you ready for Summer Challenge Week 5?
This week, artworks that represent trade and exchange inspire our art activities.
How can we be inspired by other people’s art?
Trade and commerce have linked different civilizations and cultures around the globe for hundreds of years. People made routes across land and sea to transport raw materials, foodstuffs, products and luxury items, exposing artists and artisans to new ideas, aesthetics, materials and techniques.
Nowadays, trade and exchange has become a lot easier. Developments in modes of transport and technology allows us to exchange products and materials across continents at a more rapid pace than ever before.
- Which country did your last online shopping item come from? How far away was the location?
- Can you find items in your home that were made in another country?
- What have you seen online that has inspired you recently?
Every Tuesday participate in our 90 minute interactive workshop session linked the theme of the week.
- Children (6-12) at 11:00
- Teenagers (13-16) at 14:00 with MAS Art Studio
TEENS CHILDREN or call 600 56 55 66
Let’s look at artworks in our permanent collection connected to travel and trade.
1. Draw an item that was a gift.
2. Draw an object that was made somewhere far away.
3. Draw the last thing you bought online.
Create a product that is inspired by your culture!
Watch our #MakeandPlay videos for inspiration!
Submit your creative work every Thursday before 3pm
Blue and white dish with a lotus bouquet
Chinese porcelain entered the Islamic Empire through trade or as diplomatic gifts and had a great influence on Ottoman ceramics in the 15th century. The decoration on the dish is almost an exact copy of a Chinese prototype. It is painted in white and cobalt blue and has the motif of the lotus flower. What do you think the decoration on the rim of the plate represents?
Vase in Persian style
William de Morgan is an artist who is known for contributing to the Arts and Crafts movement in England. Many of his artworks show motifs and inspiration from Islamic and Persian ceramics and textiles. William de Morgan is known for using a ‘Persian colour pallete’. Can you identify the colours he used on this vase?
Rooster-headed ewer
Bird’s-head ewers have existed in the Middle East since pre-Islamic times. Chinese ceramics from the time of the Tang dynasty used the shape, which is also echoed in Syrian and Iranian designs. The rooster was widely believed to be the herald of light, whose call was announcing a new day. Look closely, what kind of motifs decorate the body of this ewer?